- Total Weight Gain: according to my scale +11.1

- Baby Movements: kick counts still pretty pointless because he moves constantly (well, other than during our 3D/4D
- Weird Pregnancy Symptom/Event: I'm just a tad cranky these days. My filter is diminished.
I CRAVE: food in general, bean burritos in specific. I
I THINK: its been a crazy two weeks and tomorrow it will get crazier. We've demoed a kitchen, gone to Disneyland, bought a car, prepped for school to start...
I HOPE/I'm EXCITED: He has a name! Baby Benjamin is officially named! We're still working on his middle name, but he has a first name :) He'll be a Ben. It was also awesome to see him on the 3D/4D ultrasound on Sunday with the family. Benjamin looks a lot like Andrew did at 3o weeks, same scowl and lips, but Benjamin has a different shaped nose and bigger cheeks.
DOCs SAY: My appointment a week and a half ago was stressful. I saw the OB instead of midwife and she rubbed me the wrong way from the beginning (remember the lack of filter?). Anyway, I was measuring four weeks larger than the 29 weeks I was supposed to be, so we did an ultrasound last Wednesday (8/23) to check on his growth. The tech isn't allowed to tell us anything, but we did get to see Benjamin moving all around. I'm waiting for some response from the OB.
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