New Developmental Milestones this Month: Here are the new developmental things that he started doing this month: run, jump, climbs up steps using hands, slides down slides by himself, helps you dress him (put on shirts), tried to put on his shoes, rolls and throws balls/objects, empties and fills containers, hides himself during peek-a-boo to initate the game, gives kisses, hugs, and high fives on command, waves bye and runs to the door when it is time to leave, turns pages of books, and "answers" the play phone with "yeahyeahyeah, bye."
- Vocabulary: We've added "mah" for more, "yeahyeah," "hiya," "nah" for no, and "buhbye" to the list (old words are Mama, Dada, Dog, Duck).
- Teeth: We've gotten three teeth this month and they haven't been in pairs.
- Left, Top Lateral Incisor--April 17th
- Left, Botton Laterial Incisor--April 30th
- Right, Top Lateral Incisor--May 4
- April 17 (double ear infection): 22 lbs
- April 26 ("well" baby visit with fluid in his ears w/o infection): 23 lbs, 3.2 oz and 30.5 inches long
- May 5 (cellulitis of the eye and ear infection again): 23 lbs, 9.6 oz
Eating: We're on all whole cow's milk (WCM) and finally down to about 16 oz a day. He eats breakfast at home, breakfast at school, snack, lunch, snack, a huge dinner, and a bedtime bottle. He will eat me out of house and home by the time he's three. The only thing he doesn't really like is meat (chicken nuggets, meatballs, and fishsticks are the only thing he'll touch).
Eating dinner (mac and cheese, peas, and meatballs)
playing in the dining room
singing and dancing any time music plays is a new trick
egg salad was a hit (especially when he realized that it made mommy and daddy make a big deal about putting it in his hair)
I know I wasn't planning on doing a traditional monthly update, but I can't think of any better way to document Andrew's new cute things. I've been holding back of the daily, or weekly, updates about his new tricks because really, you don't care that much :)
I care! I love your blog entries and miss them soooo much when you don't put up a picture or tell us what Andrew is up to! Keep up your wonderful blog! Love Grandma