Saturday, September 26, 2009

Master Bath Progress

The project keeps rolling along at a super fast pace! Here is the building prepared for stucco, but the real magic was happening inside... The electrical system in our house is old, but when this area was built in 1977 it was done very poorly. Instead of spending the hours to figure out the old system, Dave cut out all the old wires and ran completely new wiring for all the plugs, light switches, and overhead lights and fans. The wiring required significant "learning," caused many frustrating hours for Dave, and required many phone calls to electrical friends.
In the new "dressing area" we have these cool recessed lights with dimmer switches. I eventually hope to use this area as my reading nook with a giant comfy chair.
As part of the electric upgrade of the addition, one day I came home to see this in my kitchen... in order to get the inspector to pass the rough electrical, Dave had to put the new room on its own breaker. This damage occured when he was working with the old (1939) box on the left wall and the newer (1977) box directly in front. No idea why there is a whole in the ceiling. At least when I came home there wasn't too much of a mess, but I still have holes.
Today, Cecilio and his man came over and put the scratch coat onto the outside walls. This is the first coat of the stucco process.
He was going to put another coat (brown coat) on today, but the scratch coat wasn't dry enough. Monday Cecilio will come back and finish his part. At that point, we'll be on our own to finish this addition.
For now, we're going to concentrate on cleaning up the outside (piles of wood pieces, insulation, and cement) and doing one thing at a time when money comes in... and onto GRASS!!

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