Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Growing up, my mom crafted an awful lot. Yearly, she made beautiful Christmas presents for family and friends. I assumed that everyone's mom did it too until I was old enough to realize that it was a very special talent she had. She let me help (sometimes) or gave me my own projects to complete along side of her. I loved craft days.

With Robyn's desire to make a glittery replica of a Crate and Barrel product, I started thing about crafting my own tree. After spending several hours in Micheals and returning twice for more parts to the project, I had all the supplies to make my own set of "trees."

I was so excited to begin crafting that I started the night before Robyn and I were to meet. Remembering the days of my childhood, I used paper plates and attempted my project.

I think my trial run (to keep at my house), came out pretty good.

My trio of burgandy trees
I haven't decided if I need to give them stumps or if I like them sitting on the bottom like there are in this picture.

1 comment:

  1. OK LADY! these are asolutely AMAZING! can you please provide some instruction on how you did this and how much it costs to make a set??? I would love to make something sweet like this for my mom for Christmas.....you can just email me if you want - that might be easier! :)
    shelly.swope@evfreefullerton.com or saswope@juno.com
    hope all is going well! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
