Monday, February 2, 2009

25 things about me

According to Melissa I need to blog more... here is my start of what should be a rapid flow of blogs :)

Official rules: "Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you."
  1. I hate to bathe. It seems like such a waste of time to get wet and then dry off again. I never bathe if I don't have to (if my hair looks okay).
  2. I hate to brush my teeth. I forget to brush them 2-3 days a week and end up doing it at work in the bathroom.
  3. I begin the school year leaving my house at 7 am to get to work and by the middle of the year (now) I get UP at 7 am.
  4. Some kids just piss me off for no reason and I want to duct tape their mouths.
  5. I need 9 hours of sleep a night. My best time of the day is between eleven and four. I can't be called a morning or night person.
  6. I have wanted to be a teacher since I can remember. In elementry school, I use to erase the answers on my corrected homework and teach the neighbor kids how to do the problems, then make them do the homework.
  7. Although I am a pretty social person, I avoid people from high school and college in the grocery store so I don't have to have the awkward conversation of "how are you, what are you doing, etc"
  8. I talk to my bunny like he's a real baby and look forward to coming home so he can just around the house. My bunny is named after my favorite character in my favorite book, Pride and Prejudice, which I've read seven times.
  9. I love pink.
  10. Reading is my favorite thing to do, but I don't do it during the week.
  11. I run around my classroom on a regular basis and run into things ALL the time.
  12. Dave and I have known each other for ten years.
  13. I don't really care how much money I make, but I'm pretty concerned about how it is spent.
  14. I read all four Twilight books in seven days and I reference them in my classroom on a semi-regular basis.
  15. My new washer machine sings a song when it is done washing.
  16. My sister and I have become best friends even though we never got along when we were younger.
  17. I have become a horrible student in my master's program and procrastinate more than I ever thought possible (and it gets worse each quarter).
  18. I feel like my friends' babies are mine.
  19. Girl's night is one of my favorite things that happens and I can't believe that it's been almost five years since we started having dinner at my apartment.
  20. My friends help me be a nicer person.
  21. I drink a LOT of water and go to the bathroom 10-15 times a day.
  22. Yearbook is one of my passions and I never want to teach anywhere without being the yearbook advisor.
  23. Reality TV shows like Top Chef, Project Runway, Real Housewifes of O.C., and Biggest Loser capitivate my attention.
  24. I have worked since I was 14 years old and enjoy it, but I'd really like to be a stay at home mom.
  25. I LOVE football. My husband doesn't. I read everything possible online, follow the drafts, and even tried fantasy football playoff edition.

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