Friday, July 27, 2012

Andrew's First Year Book

first page

I made Andrew a "first year book" through Costco's photo center!  I have been struggling with keeping up with the photo album (frankly, I haven't put anything in their consistently since last August), the idea of scrap booking is appealing until I consider that I have a one year old, and while my blog is an online photo album of sorts, it isn't the same as having the pictures in front of you to flip through.  I looked into the ads that promise to turn your blog into a book (which seemed like the best idea in the world), but because I compress all the pictures I put online, the photos would all have to be re-uploaded into the book software.  Shutterfly and Snapfish were too expensive, so Costco had me.

Their 30 page books start at $29.99 and I knew that I wanted the entire year to be in one book. His book ended up being 34 pages. As part of sharing photos with my mom and mother-in-law, I have been uploading 50-60 of my favorites each month to Costco. When it came to building the book, I used the photos I had already uploaded which saved a bunch of time. I forced myself to pick my favorites from those (about 6-10 per month) and only did one double page for each month. I also did a separate page for each big holiday and two for both birth and birthday.

I take thousands of pictures, so choosing was hard, but I wanted to represent his year without being repeating (sort of like we would have done in the old days with film).  I built the book in spurts and could save it and come back.   The only downside of Costco (vs the other, more expensive, companies) was that I could not change the layouts or add a lot of text (the text boxes were already part of the layouts).
 our first moments together
 month six
 pumpkin patch with Brenda's beautiful pictures
 month 7 was a "photo light" month because between school busy-ness and Andrew's new sense of movement, there weren't many good ones!
 Let's eat cake!

I've already started his next book, but I've decided that I do not need a full year to fit into one book. 
I am going to do as many double-page spreads as I want :)

1 comment:

  1. I highly suggest Its about the same price as costco, but they also do sales a lot so I've gotten mine much cheaper then costco prices too. You also have the option of getting the images directly off facebook which is nice and you can edit the layouts (add things or take things off), add extra pictures on a page (or take them off), change the size of the pictures, zoom, add text, etc. It's GREAT!
